Once again I find myself drawn to Dante Alighieri's poetic masterpiece, The Divine Comedy.
It would appear that fourteenth-century Florence has so much in common with present day urban existence that it defies logic and imagination.
We would have thought that as society marched on in search of progress and prosperity, and people would be happier now that they had all of the comforts of present day living that even Kings and Queens did not enjoy in ancient days.
Dante's main protagonist, the Pilgrim, started his journey in the Divine commedy trapped in a "dark wood". In a way, many of us do live in a forest of similar treachery, a sinister place where we create our own sorrows and our fears.
Spying a mountain top "shawled in morning rays of light, he was determined to escape towards the light. Being then blocked by fearsome beasts, he retreated. In a way, this is what many of us do on a daily basis, we dream, we seek, and we tell ourselves a thousand reasons why we are not good enough. These reasons distract us, soothe us and comfort our ego, but they are at the end of the day, our personal illusions.
Just as all appears to be lost, the Pilgrim is met by his first spiritual guide, Virgil, one of many others on the path. The journey however was one that brought the Pilgrim through hell before, purgatory and paradise.
In the current day and age, instant gratification is the order of the day, fast food, fast cars, 24 hours everything you can want. However, somethings nags at us. In our minds, encased by our material possessions and the trappings of modern life, we remain unhappy, dissatisfied, plagued by anxiety, fear, envy, a mind that seems to distort our own reality, a mind that seemed to control our emotions.
My personal journey has been one that mirror's the Pilgrim's journey, having found myself in a hell of negative states, I had no awareness that my mind is not all that I am. I was fortunate to be joined in my journey by souls of light, real life friends and guides, who were willing to stick it out with me, and light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.
Somehow the journey seems to go on forever, just as I thought I've gotten somewhere towards a state of peace and joy, the path leads me back where I started, and I am forced to admit my own human failings. But what seemed to be a circular path was a only deception of the mind, one of mockery and despair. With clear insight, I realise that the journey has taken on a different level, I cannot discount the peace I feel in my heart, although negative stages still exist and intrude on an otherwise blissful existence from time to time.
I no longer stay mired in negative stages, choosing to witness, and let go. My Reiki teacher, Elaine Grundy's words echo in my mind, "If sadness is leaving, let it leave, do not hold it back with questions and further examination!"
Being able to choose. Feeling good for no good reasons at all.
I feel that I am perched on the threshold towards a different path, and whilst I still do not have answers, the feeling I name this time around is one of excitement, hope and joy.
I am witnessing my fears and trepidations, recognising it in some of the people I love and care for, and choosing to say to them (and to myself), there is nothing to fear, nothing to lose.