Of course, I am sure that story had more to do with the interested party's physical attributes or perhaps a certain similarity in dressing or in family background, and less to do with Enneagram type.
Let's just for a moment stay on that thought. What if we do choose a certain type, and without awareness, we find ourselves repeatedly in similar versions of the same "romance"?
What is it that we see that attracted us again and again, like moths to a flame?
Are we in effect reliving an ideal that we seek through different people who remind us of the same attributes?
Imagine how that could be scary: we date Jim, Mike, Peter, but really we dated the same type of a person, and to our minds, the story is the same. When we wake tomorrow, do we know who it is that we live with?
The holy grail of the Enneagram, if I may call it that, lies in the ability to choose who we are, and being free really means seeing things for what they really are and creating real options... to chose from, of course. I have heard people tell themselves, it's no use, I can't help it. Often what they really mean is that they don't want to, rather than they can't. And if they don't want to, there is a strong secondary benefit that they perceive gaining from staying in the current rut they are in, even if that prison is really painful and dismal.
Looking at people, situation and things, we often pass the power of choice out onto the hands of others. Once we take back our power of creation and the attached responsibility, perhaps it means that we are now responsible for our own successes and failures.
And loving the one we do love, is not so much a matter of luck after all. Perhaps changing the script of our lives takes a lot out of us, and it is not always what we want to do. Yet, if we do not want to change the story, then perhaps just admitting that our lives as it is today, really is a choice.
So if I ask myself, what is my life today? Do I love, create and want it?
What's your answer? If you don't, what are you REALLY prepared to create?
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